Nicola Young

Achieved all three of my Awards through Stockport Council with school friends alongside. Didn't know then that Volunteering at my church youth club would later lead me to a career in Youth Work, specialising in DofE activities as the DofE Manager for Brighton & Hove , then Assistant Mgr for Cheshire County Council and now to being a member of DofE staff.

I've been so priviledged to have had so many fabulous experiences through my involvement including
- many many awesome expeditions incl twice with Golds Canoeing down the Dordogne
- as a DofE staff member meeting an LO DofE mgr in a Stockport school in the very room where I worked towards my award as a pupil
- completing a Diamond Challenge in 2016 by learning to fly fish which I still do today
- watching my daughter complete a Diamond Challenge doing her own mini DofE involving Skill - learning Level 1 BSL ( she carried on to Level 4 this year ), Physical was training and completing her first Marathon in Brighton her home city, Volunteering for a local Arts Festival and for her mini exped she walked up Snowdon !

Having had the chance to meet HRH Prince Phillip when I collected my Gold and laterly as a member of staff at the many GAPs I've had the honour to attend its so inspirational to have watched the extremely proud parents and their young people enjoy their day and their moment meeting HRH

Am feeling so lucky to have had all the opportunities I've had and love working towards giving others the same chances to develop themselves

Thanks your Royal Highness for giving me the opportunity :)