Nicola West

I’ve been reflecting on what the Duke of Edinburgh meant to me.
I love the Royal Family, despite their many foibles.
But it’s more personal than that.

I completed the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme: Bronze, Silver and Gold. It was one of the most personally challenging things I’ve ever done and as well as showing me I was tougher than I believed, it has also helped me to get jobs when employers see it on applications.

I was interviewed for a job by an ex army colonel (I didn’t know that at the time) and he asked me about it at interview. He knew what it took to achieve Gold and he told me later it showed him I was resilient, organised and had perseverance.

There was support through school and later scouting to complete Bronze and Silver, but not Gold. I completed that independently around university and starting my first job. I found it hard to keep motivated and I look back with pride that I kept picking it back up to make sure I achieved my goal of getting gold. I took it to the wire and managed to get everything signed off before I turned 25 (just!).

I went to St.James Palace to collect my Gold award at the ripe old age of 26 and got to chat to Prince Philip. He told me he thought my exploration on Dartmoor sounded boring, I told him he was wrong and proceeded to explain how fascinating it was sampling water courses across Dartmoor for signs of industrialisation! ?? For a number of reasons it was a truly memorable day.

I will always remember what the DofE Award scheme has done for me and be forever grateful to Prince Philip for founding a remarkable organisation.