Nicky Villars

I only started DofE because a friend at work was doing her gold and needed a 4th person for the expedition section. I liked walking so I went along. She said "Seeing as you're doing the expedition why not get a direct gold book and see if you can finish it". So I did. The practice was glorious sunshine, the real thing it rained from start to finish!
A group of friends came along to learn ballroom and Latin American dancing with me and at the YFC AGM in Blackpool we took to the floor in the tower at a tea dance and got a round of applause from all the oldies.
For my residential I helped out on the YFC Stand at the Great Yorkshire show. It was fantastic. I did cooking demos making Yorkshire favourites. I still remember someone tried to get a BBQ going by throwing petrol on it and caused the petrol can to set alight and a man in a bowler hat cycled past and threw a bucket of water on it. Surreal.
I did fundraising for the service section. We did a sponsored plough at a vintage ploughing match. A team of young farmers pulled an old horse drawn plough over 1/4 acre. It was hard work but we raised enough for a Guide Dog for the blind. We also planted sponsored trees and organised a barn dance. Altogether, we raised nearly £10,000.
I kept rabbits as my skill and bred a couple of litters of dwarf rabbits which were very cute.
I went to St James Palace to collect my award. I was expecting Prince Phillip to be quite tall, I still remember being very surprised how short he was. I'm 6'. It was a wonderful day. My father was recovering from cancer surgery at the time so I took my best friend.
When I applied for my current job 20 years ago, my interviewers were more interested in my DofE exploits than anything else.
My son is just starting his Bronze Award through school.