Nadirah Hussain

DofE was an amazing experience for me. It really helped me grow my confidence so so much!

I remember feeling really shy when I was 14 years old and wanting to do more interesting things outside my comfort zones so I could meet new people and make more friends. I decided to make a New Year’s resolution to say yes every opportunity I saw. It just so happened that you can start your Bronze DofE at 14! Due to my love for DofE it’s no surprise why I ended up doing Gold and also participating in the DofE Diamond Challenge to celebrate the Duke of Edinburgh 50th Anniversary!

I always loved nature and it excited me to go on an expedition and hike. I remember looking out at the horizon when I was on top of a mountain with my group. It was an incredible experience and I won’t ever forget that feeling of satisfaction after such a long and hard hike with a close group of friends that I was with.

I remember telling myself that for each stage of DofE I wanted to do different activities for my volunteering, skills and physical section. It made me try so many new things! I never thought I would ever do boxing or snowboarding, or become a volunteer police cadet! All these experiences encouraged me to 1) use my time productively after school 2) do things that I never knew existed and research opportunities so I could complete my volunteering, skills and physical sections 3) meet new people and feel more confident 4) create memories that I wouldn’t ever forget 5) make me feel prepared for the future since DofE is a wonderful framework that makes sure that young people are on track with doing what can help them whilst still being enjoyable/fun.

There’s so many other reasons why I loved doing DofE but here is just a few!

Additionally, due to Covid my gold award ceremony at Buckingham palace was postponed as a result of lockdown, so I’m so excited for that event!