Montgomery Duncan

I thought I would let you know how I managed to continue the volunteering section of my DofE Silver award during the Covid restrictions. I was volunteering each week at Cancer Research on the High Street in Banchory but, when this closed suddenly in March following the Cov-id 19 rules, I was left with 4 months work “in the bank” but seemingly no way to continue.
But, as with many local communities, an opportunity presented itself in the form of the Inchmarlo Pantry which operates every Saturday morning. This is an enterprise in which the local community assists in preventing the surplus to the local food banks being taken to landfill when un-used. If there is surplus, it would be sent to landfill which would be not beneficial to any of us in the much wider community. I found out about it as we often support local events there, such as ‘quiz and curry’ nights to fundraise for the hall. I am interacting with our community, doing something useful and then I have to walk 2 miles back home which contributes to my fitness drive!
I would advise other people doing their DofE to think how you might benefit the local community in some way; it’s a great way for trust to be built between the elderly residents and their teenage neighbours.