Monique Richardson

I was a very shy girl with zero confidence (I am the one in white and yellow t shirt and blue shorts). For me participating in the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme gave me the confidence to come out of my shell and make new friends! The D of E has also served me well through my older years due to team work and the comradeship! I would highly recommend anyone to take part... even if you’re the girl who feels too quiet! Please go for it !

I have so many fond memories of my Bronze and Silver , although I can’t find any pictures of my silver in the Breacon Beacons I will have to dig them out !

I have many funny memories and one comes to mind was we managed to get lost in middle of field that had no entrance out , we have no idea how we ended up in there ! So like any good team mate and with the darkness creeping in, I made the decision to create us a passage out ! Well I landed in the middle of a road on my back like a helpless turtle (ha ha) but was worth it as luckily we made the check point in time ! The other memory I have is when managed to catch the team ahead of us , turns out they had lost a walking boot in a bog , the poor boy was hobbling around with no shoe ! We all made a line (both teams) to fish his boot out , all the while laughing our heads off. Team work at its best !

Don’t get me wrong there were some tears due to tiredness and sore feet , but the laughter and friendships that were bonded with both children and teachers was fantastic.

I will be so grateful to HRH Duke of Edinburgh for creating such a wonderful scheme , it has helped me more than he will ever now . What a legacy to leave behind thank you and RIP your Royal Highness .