Miranda Gilbert

I can say with complete conviction that the Duke of Edinburgh award changed my life. I am a Bronze, Silver and Gold Award holder and each step of my journey shaped who I am today. The mental and physical challenge not only rewarded me with skills such as resilience and determination, but also helped me to forge friendships and experience a real sense of pride in myself. Although hiking through torrential rain in the middle of Wales felt somewhat gruelling at the time, I would do it again in a heartbeat. For me, taking on the Duke of Edinburgh award showed me what I was really made of, and that I was not a quitter.

The expeditions were challenging and hard, but it is in situations such as these that your best side comes out, and that is definitely true for me. My confidence improved along with my communication and teamwork skills in order to complete the expeditions. The other aspects of the Award also gave me great experience, in my case particularly with volunteering, as I did in a care home, as well as working with young children. Being part of a community in that way was fantastic for me, feeling like I was really making a difference for other people.

Receiving my Gold Award at Buckingham Palace from HRH Prince Edward was a really special day, and one that I will not forget in a hurry. It was incredible to see so many other young people from across the country gathered together to celebrate our mutual achievements. Talking to others, it was heart-warming to hear how much they had gained and learned from their experiences too.

It is incredibly saddening to acknowledge the passing of HRH Prince Philip, as without him so many young people would have missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime. It is to him that I am so grateful, for creating this award which has impacted so many lives for the better. I would undertake the DofE Award again without a doubt, and would recommend any other young person to do the same.