Melanie Seiver

During our Gold Expedition, my friend Kate Whitby fell and broken her arm. As a result, I had to share a tent with 3 boys!!!! ? We ate Haribo's for tea and all agreed we would quit the next day. To our horror, my friend showed up at the tent the next morning with her arm in plaster and said "come on the, let's get going!" Obviously we didn't have the heart to tell her that we were quitting, so off we went, we got through every painful mile until we crossed the finish line! At that time it always the hardest , yet most rewarding experience of my life so far. We went to Buckingham Palace to receive our awards and were in our local newspaper, The Sentinel.

My daughter has also completed the Bronze and Silver Awards but unfortunately her Gold was cancelled due to Covid 19 ?. I hope she will continue to try and achieve this in the future.