Mel Fuller

So many amazing memories, but mostly of friendship, adventure, resilience and lots of laughter!

On our bronze expedition, back in 1985, we were caught in a huge rainstorm which our kit wasn’t equipped to cope with. During training, our supervisor had instructed us to take two essential items in addition to the standard kit list - a bin liner and tomato purée (to make 1980s vesta meals taste marginally edible!!). The bin liner was meant for our dirty clothing, but whilst sheltering from the rain in woodland, we stripped off our soaking clothes and wore the bin liners as dresses for the rest of the day’s walk. Many many strange looks from passers-by and very very glad that there was no social media in those days!

The girls that I undertook my bronze, silver and gold awards with are still an important part of my life. Something about sharing the DofE experience binds you forever. And whenever we get together, we always find ourselves reminiscing about trowels and toilet rolls!

My teenage years would have been less magical if I hadn’t been part of the scheme. And for this, I am truly grateful.