Maxwell Smith

I see my time on the DofE award as a big turning point in my life. I started and completed both my Silver and Gold in a little over 2 years. The experiences I had and the person I was at the end I credit as having put me a good trajectory in life. The confidence I built and the opportunities I’ve had through my experience have no doubt built my character and I feel allowed me to become so much more.
I have also been a DofE RYA in Wales for almost 4 years.

I believe that every young person in the UK should take part in or at least have the opportunity to take part in the DofE award. This is a truly life changing experience. The award starts small, all you need to do is sign up and attend a few sessions, but slowly one day at a time through the 4 sections of the award creates more confident, more capable, more outgoing young people.

I have been emmensly sad at the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh. Through the DofE Award, HRH had an enormous impact on my life. The skills and experiences I gained through his scheme changed who I am today.

I have been fortunate to meet his son Prince Edward through my role as a DofE Regional Youth Ambassador and even once saw Prince Philip on a July day in 2016 from the top deck of a London bus. I then watched as his car pulled out down the road.

This great man changed my life, and I will forever be in debt to him for that. I hope to continue working with the DofE Award scheme to help provide this life-changing experience to millions more young people and ensure the Duke’s legacy lives on. May he rest in peace