Maxine Hamer
I have very fond memories of my time completing all three levels of the DofE award. I wanted to camp and to do so joined the rangers section of Girl guiding at 14 in the late 1980's in order to gain entry onto the scheme.
My story will mirror so many others, working class background, little spare cash, borrowing the kit for expeditions or dropping '80litre rucksac' hints around my birthday - that I still have and take to guide camp to help lead young people now with campcraft skills, including fire, wood and water.
I worked through all the sections, meeting great friends along the way sharing laughter, adventure, learning new skills, sports, loving the outdoors in all kinds of weather's. This picture is taken around 1991/2 at Waddow on a D of E service camp. the front of our tent broke so we improvised with a piece of wood to hold it aloft for the week.
D of E was the catalyst to a life of service, I became a Brown Owl, leading a Brownie Unit for over 10 years, 'retired' from there and have been serving my community as a magistrate for the last 20 years.
I still go back to camp with the guides when an extra helper is required, those friendships have endured.
Our day at St James's Palace in May 1995 I will never forget I took my gran, who had helped me the most with the award and Prince Phillip came over and had a few words with her. She was elated.
I offer my sincere condolences to the Queen, her husband Prince Philip has left a lasting impression on so many ordinary people and changed the course of a vast number young people's lives, across the globe for the better.
My story will mirror so many others, working class background, little spare cash, borrowing the kit for expeditions or dropping '80litre rucksac' hints around my birthday - that I still have and take to guide camp to help lead young people now with campcraft skills, including fire, wood and water.
I worked through all the sections, meeting great friends along the way sharing laughter, adventure, learning new skills, sports, loving the outdoors in all kinds of weather's. This picture is taken around 1991/2 at Waddow on a D of E service camp. the front of our tent broke so we improvised with a piece of wood to hold it aloft for the week.
D of E was the catalyst to a life of service, I became a Brown Owl, leading a Brownie Unit for over 10 years, 'retired' from there and have been serving my community as a magistrate for the last 20 years.
I still go back to camp with the guides when an extra helper is required, those friendships have endured.
Our day at St James's Palace in May 1995 I will never forget I took my gran, who had helped me the most with the award and Prince Phillip came over and had a few words with her. She was elated.
I offer my sincere condolences to the Queen, her husband Prince Philip has left a lasting impression on so many ordinary people and changed the course of a vast number young people's lives, across the globe for the better.