MaryAnne Hartley

I was an early participant in Canada and had a hard time convincing people that I really received my Gold Award from Prince Philip unless I showed them the photograph. I was very honoured to be chosen to represent Canada on two international events. St Vincent in 1980 where the participants helped rebuild infrastructure after hurricane Allen. Great Britain 1981 to celebrate 25 years of the Award Scheme where we met with participants from all over the world and I met my future husband Barry, also a Gold Award. At our reception my father commented that he did not realise I was getting involved with an international dating agency. Barry and I will be celebrating 39 years this July.

Barry was the Awards Officer for Blackburn for many years and we have spent many happy hours working with participants and supervising expeditions in the Lakes and North Wales using Bron-y-Gader, another DofE initiative, as a base.

We both had the privilege of helping to make Award Ceremonies as special for participants as they were for us.

The skills of self reliance and self belief alongside the many friends made have been invaluable through life's inevitable challenges.

Long may the Award continue!