Mary-Ellen Poynton

Since I was unable to do my Silver expedition due to COVID, I’ll reflect on the fond memories of my Bronze expedition. The DoFE award forced me outside more and interaction with the surrounding countrysides, allowed me to forge stronger bonds with my friends and expedition lovers. It built up my strength and endurance levels to a point I didn’t think I could have reached. I remember the fields we used to sit and rest in, that were some way interconnected with surrounding farms, once being surrounded by horses that skittered and obnoxiously neighed at our entrance... to the point where one of our groups got attacked by a dog! And another a snake! Didn’t stop any of the other groups from continuing though! Building valuable skills such a tent building where my group ended up getting competitive me holding a tent building race to which I constructed by tent, poles and all in less than five minutes! Safe to say I’m pretty confident now with my tent building skills! And additionally I watching my friend tentatively try the DoFE Packaged brownie that actually tasted really good! Then there was the time on of us forgot to pick up the second map on the bench and only realised until we were a mile away, to which my mapping partner speedily sprinted all the way, which surprised us all with his endurance since we had been walking already for six hours. It was truly an incredible experience, and I shall forever remember the founder of one of my most unforgettable moments in my life.