Martin Finland

The DofE scheme shaped me into the person, individual & professional I became.

As a direct Gold entrant, in 1979 I was one of two who were the first Gold recipients in BT Liverpool.

I went on to instruct several groups & was a wild country expedition assessor for North Wales, working with the legend that was Dennis Hoare, the man who had climbed Snowdon more than 50 times. This is what gave me real confidence. And so, then accepting the role as North West Golds Representative, I sat on both regional & national award committees, liaising mainly with another legend, Alan Millward. What an amazing experience all round that turned out to be, for a young 22 & 23 year old.

I did meet the Duke of Edinburgh himself on a couple of occasions. But to me, the absolute honour and proudest day, was being invited to be a room steward at one on the award ceremonies’ c’82/’83.

Linda Lawrence then asked if I would lead the UK contingency, to the first ever International Gold Awardees Seminar (IGAS) in Hong Kong, ‘IGAS ‘85’. I did share this role with another ‘colleague’ from Birmingham & between us, we took a contingent of 16 gold holders from all over the UK. This was such an unbelievable experience, not only meeting golds from all over the world, but meeting the Gurkhas based in Hong Gong. Wow ! Incidentally, I’m the one on the far right of both attached pictures & yeah, I know, the one with the dodgy moustache!

Now having a young family, I had to resign my roles in ’86. However, brimming with confidence, I eventually went on to become a successful Project Manager with both Barclays & BT. At 63, I am now retired.

So, I give thanks to the Duke of Edinburgh…rest in peace Sir. And, to all those wonderful, amazing people I have met over the years, thank you for helping shape Martin Finland !