Martha Rail

Through completing the Bronze, Silver and Gold DofE Awards I learnt so much and hold many memorises. As I completed the awards between the ages of 14 and 18 the experiences shaped much of my teenage years.

The expeditions hold perhaps the strongest memories, from trekking the South West coastal path with a bag almost as big a me for my Bronze Award, to reaching the submit of Mt Snowdon during my Gold Award. The expeditions taught me how to be resilient, self sufficient and enhanced my love of the outdoors. Perhaps the most defining memory though was being bitten by a spider whilst camping on Dartmoor! Certainly an event, and a scar, that will remain will me for years to come! Nonetheless, I hold many fond memories of sitting around the camp stove with my friends laughing and drinking our lukewarm hot chocolate, times we still reminisce about now.

Additionally, the volunteering section helped me develop immensely, for example, I worked with youth clubs which gave me great experience for the teaching career I wish to pursue. Furthermore, for the residential section of the Gold Award I went to Dorset on a activities and revision week, this was an amazing opportunity to meet other young people from around the country and prepare me for university life.

Finally, I received my Gold Award at Buckingham Palace in 2018 and even managed to meet Prince William. This was an incredible experience for myself and my family and reaffirmed the pride I felt to have taken part in the DofE Awards.