Mark Tyler
A funny story relating to my Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award Ceremony at Buckingham Palace.
Forty years ago I, like many young people before and after me, was fortunate to be invited to Buckingham Palace to receive my Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. We were permitted one guest and as my parents worked overseas, I wanted my sister, Rachael, to accompany me. This would require some parental input as she was still at school. I set out to the telegram office for that purpose. "Would love Rachael to come to Buckingham Palace" was quite expensive, as you paid on a per letter basis, so I shortened it to: "would love R come Buck" and enjpyed keeping some change in my pocket. The telegram my parents received from their 18 year old son, 6000miles away was, "lover come back". You can imagine the rest!
Forty years ago I, like many young people before and after me, was fortunate to be invited to Buckingham Palace to receive my Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. We were permitted one guest and as my parents worked overseas, I wanted my sister, Rachael, to accompany me. This would require some parental input as she was still at school. I set out to the telegram office for that purpose. "Would love Rachael to come to Buckingham Palace" was quite expensive, as you paid on a per letter basis, so I shortened it to: "would love R come Buck" and enjpyed keeping some change in my pocket. The telegram my parents received from their 18 year old son, 6000miles away was, "lover come back". You can imagine the rest!