Mark Macey

My expedition was in a canoe along the River Thames a 75 mile canoe course from Lechlade.
On the first day first hour there was a frost on the ground and a canoe from behind us lost control and hit our canoe leaving a hole in the hull, me and my partner had to get out and see what the damage was.
Anyway the damage wasn't too bad but, we had to lean over all day until we could get a repair kit and fix the canoe with a fibreglass kit and hope it set by the morning.
The fibreglass didn't cure in time for set off in the morning I had an uncomfortable night because my sleeping bag got wet and it was another cold night.
When I got out the canoe my leg was stiff not cause of cramp my trousers had cured with the resin that we used to fix the hole.

I received my Gold DofE at Buckingham Palace 1983 with my mother who was very proud of what I had achieved.
Prince Philip asked me what organisation I belonged to I told him the Sea Cadets and he congratulated me.

I did this when Iwas a Sea Cadet at Lewisham Unit TS Zest (Now Closed)

I am still in the Sea Cadets and was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and was Commanding Officer of City of London Unit for 13 years on board HMS Belfast.