Marion Casey

I signed up for the bronze award around 1969. I took a first aid course, a flower arranging course and helped out at a local youth Club. Some older friends were doing their expedition, walking round the Isle of Wight, for their Gold awards and needed another person to make up the numbers. Thus I completed activities for bronze. silver and gold, but never actually completed any of them. However some of the skills I learnt 50+ years ago I am still using. My job is teaching English to young people in southern Norway. I doubt I would be here if it hadn’t been for my participation in the DofE award scheme.
It helped me through a tough time of my mother suddenly dying. But failing to get any one of the awards made me determined not to give up on anything else. I took my further education in my 40’s and so was qualified to work as a teacher.
During my time in the scheme the Duke of Edinburgh visited a gathering of participants at the County Show Ground in Sussex and I was detailed to arrange flowers for the occasion. When the teacher saw my efforts she declared they needed some more filler, and we climbed through a hedge and snaffled some cow parsley from a hedgerow to bulk out my display. I can remember the Duke coming to our stand but have no recollection of what was said.
The Award Scheme is a fantastic initiative and I particular wish well current participants in these challenging times.