Marion Carlo

56 years ago as a member of The Girls Brigade in Northampton I travelled to Buckingham Palace to receive my gold award from His Royal Highness personally in the Throne Room. My mother and officer in my G.B. company were invited to watch the ceremony. All recipients were instructed on how to speak and behave when called forward, but when it was my turn my nerves got the better of me and when H.R .H actually spoke to me I was struck dumb. He realized of course and asked me another question which I answered shakerly, saluted stepped back and almost ran away. While this was going on my mother was furesly nudging Dorothy saying 'he is talking to her'." H.R.H. didn't speak to everyone as there were a couple hundred if us to shake hands with. When we met up after the ceremony Dorothy said she must have a bruise where Mum had 'nudged' her. Also Mum recognised the gentleman walking beside her, it was Paul Getty, so all 3 of us had an exciting day at the palace.
The 5 years it took to go from bronze to gold gave me a confidence in myself that has lasted throughout my life, and which I was able to pass on to my son and daughter.