Marie Bonsall

As a teacher, some of best experiences of working with young people is through the DofE. Bronze and silver candidates who didn't think they could complete the distance at first but who then became leaders and motivators of their team. Watching the teams work together knowing that they were creating memories to last a lifetime and that I had the privilege of sharing those moments with them. The summer of 2018 and the silver teams completing their expedition over Kinder Scout, the Great Ridge and finally to Foolow in the heatwave of that year was incredible; waking at 5am on the second day to avoid midday heat, supporting one another along the way and taking time where possible to enjoy the beauty of the Peak District. As a volunteer leader I only manned the checkpoints & sorted water - they did the rest with no complaints despite the heat and with smiles on their faces. I did not have the opportunity to complete DofE in my youth and wish I had but being a part of this whole scheme now is nothing but an absolute privilege.