
2014 was the year of my Bronze DofE! What a year! I learnt that walking wasn’t as easy as just walking, knitting required patience and a careful eye, and being a Leader in Girls Brigade tempted my patience a few times but was so amazingly fun and rewarding. Now 7 years on, I am currently undertaking my GOLD DofE! I am incredibly proud to say I am a gold DofE participant. I have completed several diamond paintings which are quite tricky, but marvellous to look at once completed. I’ve helped an elderly friend through life before and during lock down, and will continue too throughout her years. I have once again found walking can be challenging when walking on different terrains. But the views I’ve seen have been invaluably worth it. Hope fully I will complete my residential and expedition this walking session. This amazing award scheme the Duke of Edinburgh created has made me want to strive for more on life. I want to do this best I can do in life and help the planet too. My life hasn’t been easy but the stories and memories of my DofE journey has always put a smile on my face. Personally I feel so inspired by the life the Duke of Edinburgh has lived, so I have took a leaf out of his book and decided to throw myself at every opportunity I get from travelling, to being a Leader at Girls Brigade, to always putting my best foot forward and always being kind, caring and respectful to the planet which we live and to those who live on it.