Margaret Kirby (nee Wood)

As a member of the Girl Guides Ranger Coy in Scarborough, I did all three stage of the Award - completing Bronze in Oct 1961, Silver in August 1962 and Gold in Oct. 1963. Brenda Littlejohn, Valerie Bumby and I were told that we were the first girls to be awarded the Gold, in Scarborough area. Brenda received her award at Buckingham Place but Valerie and I were invited to Holyrood Place on 22nd July 1964.
Unfortunately cameras were not permitted.
When the Duke approached he stopped to have a word with me. He asked where I worked - at Scarborough Magistrates Court. I will always remember his reply - 'The poor motorist always gets it in the neck!' Shortly before the award day he had been convicted of motoring offence! Another example of his sense of humour.

After being in the Land Rangers I joined the newly formed Girls Venture Corps in Scarborough as a junior officer. Here I started the D of E award for the girls.

At a later date, I was invited to give the vote of thanks at a Scarborough D of E award ceremony.

I still have my Certificates, and badges, and also my Award Record Book.

We learnt many different and useful skills. Made many friends, some of whom kept in contact for many years. My favourite part of the Gold Award challenges was the outward Bound Course at Whitehall, Buxton in August 1962 - that was a real challenge!
I have very fond memories of the Duke - there will never be another person like him!