Margaret Hawksworth

a friend said you do lots of new "things" then you get to meet Prince Philip and go to Buckingham Place I was hooked !! That was 48 years ago ! I lean't many skills like persuasion to get my friends to complete the expedition and empathy on my residential whilst working with PHAB on my as my new friends climbed a rock face much quicker that me . I gained my Bronze ,Silver and Gold Award. I met my hero Prince Philip and was not disappointed his love of the scheme was as clear as my goosebumps!! I then became a voluntary leader at Ashby School for 40 years. It shaped my life,.........including my love of expeditions ,camping and the outdoors which involved 7 weekends and two weeks each year .Hopefully inspiring, literally thousands of young people to do the same ,and give them an wonderful start in life. I loved it I was fortunate to meet Prince Philip several times at presentations and Award celebrations at St James and Buckingham Palace.and each time it was amazing for me but more importantly the young people who he always had time, and a beaming smile for for. Strangely it was only recently that I realized what an amazing influence he had on my whole life and I so appreciate that.