Maliha Akhtar
I started the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) programme at the start of this academic year whilst being in lockdown.
This programme pushed me to do things I probably wouldn't have done - walks and learning a new language. During these unprecedented times, going out for walks has helped a lot, especially with my mental well being.
For the skills aspect of this programme, I decided to learn French. Learning languages has always been a passion; French has been a language I have always wanted to learn but never got around to doing. The main reason for this was because, in high school, I learnt Spanish. This programme has given me the drive I needed to start learning the french language.
Because of this programme, I have realised that I want to pursue a career in teaching. I have been teaching children/ supporting them with work that they struggle with for the volunteering section. I decided to work with children for this section because of the lockdown. And more importantly, to give them extra support with their mental health - coping with home learning.
I am glad that I chose to be a part of this programme as it has also helped me gain many skills; I am certain that I will learn more key skills as I continue to take part.
This programme pushed me to do things I probably wouldn't have done - walks and learning a new language. During these unprecedented times, going out for walks has helped a lot, especially with my mental well being.
For the skills aspect of this programme, I decided to learn French. Learning languages has always been a passion; French has been a language I have always wanted to learn but never got around to doing. The main reason for this was because, in high school, I learnt Spanish. This programme has given me the drive I needed to start learning the french language.
Because of this programme, I have realised that I want to pursue a career in teaching. I have been teaching children/ supporting them with work that they struggle with for the volunteering section. I decided to work with children for this section because of the lockdown. And more importantly, to give them extra support with their mental health - coping with home learning.
I am glad that I chose to be a part of this programme as it has also helped me gain many skills; I am certain that I will learn more key skills as I continue to take part.