Lynne Wareing

I was introduced to the D of E through the Girls Brigade. I completed all the awards and collected my gold in 1990. I now train young people and submitted a Gold this week and have 4 people in a bronze group doing zoom map reading at the moment. This has been one of the most challenging years. However a lasting memory was a girl sitting down at the entrance of a farm refusing to go in to set up camp. I picked her up by her ruck sack with her calling me all sorts of names. Some years later she came to me and said I am so glad you made me carry on and complete my silver as I couldn't have done it with out you. Sometimes we just need that encouragement be it the girl with the ruck sack or me as a leader to know you are making a difference and appreciated even though it might not seem it at the time that your efforts are worth while. I really enjoy sharing me love of the outdoors and what a great way to do it through this award scheme.
The Duke time has now come but I know this award scheme will go on for generations to come.
I have so many stories I could tell and fond memories. One more involved me supervising a group and getting caught in a local carnival whilst watch I find my group tagged on the end as they had taken a wrong path and ended invited to join the procession.
Thank you so much for everyone of them.