Luke Rowe

I first started my Duke of Edinburgh's award journey in September of 2019 from when I had heard about the award from my friends previously. Being a person who lacked in confidence and self-esteem, starting DofE was a difficult decision, but I'm forever glad that I grasped the opportunity. My DofE award took place with Scouts and of which I did not know anyone in the group apart from a few. After my first introduction weekend in November, I felt extreme pride. I had learnt valuable map skills, hiked a long distance, made new friends and gained a confidence I never knew I had! Further the sections continued to bring me challenges, exciting ones too, and has really broadened my Horizons. From learning Tennis, to Volunteering at a sports club, Litter picking and more. Sadly, I was not able to complete my Bronze award because of the COVID-19 pandemic in March of 2020, but am now completing my Silver award, with my practice expedition next week! Overall, DofE had been a great opportunity and one of the best decisions I've ever made!