Lucy Gibbons

Completing Bronze and Silver DofE has taught me how to quickly run away from animals! - I have been chased by horses, 6 hounds down a country lane, and nearly rammed into by a goat. These memories I have with my closest friends are ones that I cherish. Despite to sprint with a bag the size of myself on my back, the whole situation always makes me laugh.

More importantly, taking part in the DofE Award, has pushed me to achieve things that I never thought I would. I have gained so much confidence in my leadership skills and in what I can do when I put my mind to something. I have been able to give back to my community through Rainbows and developed my role at the Gravesend Rowing Club through the programme. I have also learnt the importance of teamwork as I helped my team in the expedition when morale was low.

I have to thank the Duke of Edinburgh to helping me develop my love for the outdoors and helping me become the person I am today!