Liz Luke

I completed the bronze, silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh awards during the 1990s.

I will never forget my gold expedition. My team were camping half way up Helvellyn during a storm. The storm blew one tent inside out and all seven team members ended up huddled in the remaining two-man tent. None of us got much sleep that night. Not a good preparation for a 20 mile hike the next day!

HRH The Prince Phillip laughed at that story when I relayed it to him at my Gold award presentation. Smiling, he told us that he wanted us to feel challenged. I suspect he knew that such experiences create self confidence, allow the development of teamwork and leadership whilst also being incredibly fun!

The award has instilled a lifelong love of the outdoors. To this day my family and I love to be on an adventure up a mountain.

I would like to thank The Duke of Edinburgh for creating an unrivalled opportunity for millions of young people around the world. It creates wonderful memories. What an amazing legacy.