Lisa Rogers-O'Sullivan

My gold D of E took me on a exchange trip to Jordan. It was an amazing trip were we hiked in the wadi rum and slept under the stars in the desert and went to Petra as well as so many other interesting places in Jordan. The people were so friendly, it was really great to experience such a culturally different place and it's people especially the Bedouin people. I had a fantastic and challenging time doing my expedition on the Yorkshire dales with the nicest people (other venture scouts). The sense of achievements was great once we completed it. I used helping at the local rainbow unit for my bronze and gold service, and have now been running the unit for the last 20 years. I got to speak to the duke after receiving my gold award (I was put at the front as as I was told the duke likes uniforms, he seamed a lovely man. I'm hounored to have met him, and look forward to my children doing their D of E in a few years time.