Lisa Ringer

The Duke of Edinburgh truly impacted my life with his award scheme. I did the bronze and gold awards. Sitting in my garden with 5 of my dearest friends last week I realised these are girls who I shared my bronze award experience. I recall the leader, the delightful Mrs Norris culling our rucksacks of all the unnecessary items from hair spray to make up before embarking on a challenging expedition around our local reservoir. Well it was at the time! I carried my best friends Katherine’s rucksack for miles (it was prob just a few feet ?) to help her finish as she was unwell. On our gold award I remember the challenges of our lake district hike, stepping into marsh bogs above the knee, falling down slopes covered in nettles & not being able to see our friends a few feet ahead due to the dense fog.
In contrast the final expedition to Bavarian alps provided us with days of sunshine! Here we saw stunning views along the route.
Even though I did drive my friends a little crazy with my positivity and chants on the long hikes, we are still great friends 30 years on!
For the award I also helped children at St. George’s and looked after handicapped adults at a home in Hildenborough for my service and did off shore sailing for my residential in the worse storm during Cowes week.
I learnt canoeing and tried to Eskimo roll. While not successful at the time I went on to become a passionate canoeist, canoeing rivers in Europe, America and Canada and competing at canoe polo. For this I could Eskimo roll both with and without a paddle.
Through my DofE awards I found new things I enjoyed that I’d not done before and still to this day I love camping and canoeing. This year I have a wildness trip to Canada planned with my family, covid rules permitting.
My children have now started their DofE award journey.
I guess the Duke of Edinburgh had a huge impact on my life! Thank you Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, may you rest in peace.