Lily Bishop
DofE has been amazing! It has made me resilient, strong and calm under pressure or in the face of a challenge. For example, on bronze DofE, me and my group got hopelessly lost! The rest of the groups all finished hours before us and went home on the coach, whilst we were lost in a field and had to be retrieved by a minibus! However, this didn't deter us and we all went on to complete our silver award and I am now on the way to achieving gold. In addition, the volunteering DofE has inspired me to do lead me to choose medicine as a career. Volunteering in a care home, then a community hospital, made me realise how much I wanted to be in a caring position. DofE is, in a way, the reason I found my purpose in life and it is how the built the skills to get a place at medical school. Thank you.