Lillie Bishop

DofE was one of the best, most challenging experiences of my life. My group was a mix of 3 girls and 3 boys, we were all pretty good friends before we started however after we finished we had all become a lot lot closer. Our school did DofE in the New Forest. We did our expedition in september and unfortunately there was a storm and it rained the whole weekend. When we woke up, we realised that half of our tent had become unpegged in the night due to the torrential rain and winds. All our stuff was dripping wet, including our boots and all our breakfast. At this point we were all ready to give up. We were tired, cold and very hungry. As a group we didn’t have the energy to go on- but we persevered. We sat and had our soggy porridge whilst it was chucking it down with rain and then we got on our way to carry on walking. Moral was low for the first couple hours, but we soon realised we needed to rely on each other to have fun. We pulled together as a team, we sang songs, we said jokes, we played eye-spy and we even walked at the rate of the slowest walker. By the end of the day we had turned a wet, windy day into an absolute laugh and a fantastic memory. DofE taught me to persevere through situations which i thought was really challenging, it taught me to stay strong and look after my mates when moral wasn’t the highest and of course it taught me how to make our soggy porridge on the little stove. DofE was definitely one of the hardest things to complete, but i look back on it and i completely loved the it. The memories and laughs we had will stick with me forever!