Leckraj Sharma Hurbhookun

It has been a very good initiative made by the Duke of Edinburgh to establish the award scheme globally.
On a personal level, the Duke Of Edinburgh has enabled and empowered me to find the strength within.

I remember that it is through the Duke of Edinburgh award that I was able to establish and strengthen a sense of belongingness with my secondary school, that is Piton State College, La Paix, Piton, Mauritius.

Through the service section of the award scheme, I was able to enrich myself with the sense of service for service sake and to devote myself in the preparations of activities at the school level such as the Prize and Music Day, the Independence Day, the Annual Cross Country Day and the Sports Day.

Through the adventurous journey section of the award scheme, my batch was able to go to Rodrigues Island and do our adventurous journey. Through selling ice-cream and planting and selling vegetables, to a certain extent, we were able to financially lessen the burden on the shoulders of our parents in the light of going to Rodrigues Island to complete our adventurous journey.

I was also able to know and make friendship with the juniors of my secondary school. I also remember that my parents were not financially able to cope with the other expenses of my adventurous journey, nevertheless there were selfless educators who helped me to accomplish my awards.

I consider it as my duty to acknowledge and attest that the Duke Of Edinburgh Award did not deter me from performing well academically and I can proudly say that the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme contributed majorly in making me becoming the First Laureate of Piton State College.

On behalf of Piton State College(PSC) family and on behalf of my country, Mauritius, I express my sincere sympathy with the Royal Family, the United Kingdom and especially to, Her Majesty, The Queen.

I hope that through the Duke of Edinburgh Award, lives of many youths will get enriched as my life got enriched.