
I completed all awards through Girlguiding My DofE journey started with a phonecall to my old Brownie leader asking if I could complete the Service section of Bronze DofE award. She said yes! I completed the award whilst also gaining my Girlguiding young leadership qualification. I eventually went on to run my own Girl Guide Unit which I still do today aswell as becoming a Division Commissioner, all through a phonecall!
I then went onto complete both Silver and Gold awards. I remember mapping out routes and calculating distance to stopping points for the expedition section. It was great fun, especially if you knew a section was a nice, flat disused railway line! I learnt teamwork and planning aswell as making amazing memories. On the last day of the Gold Expedition it rained constantly, but that didn't matter as it made us more determined to complete it, even missing out snack breaks!. Both myself and my sister Lydia achieved Gold at the same time which meant both of our parents could attend the award ceremony. We were given the award at St James Palace and had the honour of meeting the Duke along with the other participants being awarded that day. It was a special day and one that was the icing on the cake for all the hard work and effort put into gaining the award. The Duke has left a last legacy in so many ways but the DofE award is something that young people can achieve and feel proud of.