Lea Stevens

I completed my Bronze, Silver and Gold DofE when I was in the Girls’ Brigade many years ago. Although hesitant to do it I am so thankful that I did as it helped me make lifelong friends, deal with challenges and obstacles that made me a much stronger person today.

I especially recall our Gold Expedition on Dartmoor and never thought I would make it; but the scheme taught me more about teamwork, resilience and being able to achieve your dream if you set your mind to it, and for that I will always be thankful.

I also learnt that helping others through volunteering as part of the scheme and helping those less fortunate gave me a sense of humbling and giving something back; this is something I still do today and again if not for the DofE scheme I would not have done.

Meeting the Duke was the most exciting experience at St James’s Palace all those years ago and one I will always cherish and remember.

I really don’t think he knew the impact he had all all these young people and by completing the scheme has made me into a better, stronger, resilient and giving person today.

I will always be grateful for the experiences I’ve had and learnt from. Thank you so very much your Highness for creating a wonderful and worthy scheme.