Lauren Smith

Completing the Duke of Edinburgh Award enabled me to push myself to new limits as well as have experiences I never would have had if I didn’t complete the award. I enjoyed every minute of completing the award even when we were walking through snow in the Lake District on our practice expedition. I have had new experiences, made new memories and made new friends by completing the award which will stay with me for a lifetime. I have complete my Bronze, Silver and Gold award and being able to tell people I have completed these is something I am definitely proud of. After completing my Bronze Award I said I will never do Silver but I did and after completing my Silver I said I would never do Gold but I did. Even when times were tough and the mood was low after walking all day we still had a laugh in camp with the other team members as well as the staff who took us and I believe this is something that makes the Duke of Edinburgh award special is the way everyone comes together even when you are all low and tired to support each other. I would recommend that anyone who is given the chance to do the Duke of Edinburgh award does it because it is definitely something to be proud of and to enjoy.