Lauren Reid

I completed my practise DofE just down below Seahouses, the day we started to walk me and my group was people that I wouldn’t usually hang around with but it’s a good chance to get to know others that you may not be used to, basic cooking skills and camping skills(setting up and pitching a tent). Throughout the 2 days We were singing and dancing our way through the beaches and hillsides and getting a nice tan and burning along the way. When we were on our way to the campsite we came across this caravan park and we needed to fill up our water so we found this tap and it started squirting out water everywhere at us and we got soaked but luckily that day it was sunny and hot. At one point when we started we had to walk down a very steep hill and one of my fellow group members fell and we couldn’t stop laughing. When we got to the campsite after we had our dinner we decided to try and play rounders with a frying pan and a tennis ball which someone in the other group bought, so we started to play rounders for a good few hours and until the next day we didn’t even realise that we dented the whole pan, and the group completing there practice expedition a few weeks after us was wondered why there pan had a dent in it and we forgot to tell them that we played rounders with it. I am so glad that I completed my bronze DofE because i made new friends out of it and when I think back about the experience it just brings back so many memories some good and some bad ones including (forgetting my hayfever tablets so at night my eyes and nostrils were running like mad). I would have loved to of completed my Silver DofE award if it wasn’t due to the pandemic.