Kristen Haire

I never thought the idea of camping in the middle of no where and having to canoe to a different site each day would appeal too me but, after completing all 3 awards I would happily do it all over again! Floating down the River Bann with some of my best friends singing and snacking as we enjoy the sun shining on us will forever be one of my most valuable memories. DofE has given me so much confidence and has enabled me to grow stronger as a person whilst also giving me memories that I will treasure for a lifetime! Sure we had some bad days where it would rain the entire time, the wind would push against us and we would struggle to row against it, but even then we would laugh as we were all in it together and we knew that we would get through it as a group. Sitting down in the evening to barbecue on the first night of each of our awards was a great bonding experience (mostly because you were trusting someone not to give you food poisoning lol), chatting about what snacks we brought with us, singing along to music and planning our next few days on our maps. I couldn’t recommend doing the Duke of Edinburgh awards more as it not only gives you so much experience and is extremely helpful to put on a CV but, it was also some of the most enjoyable times that I have had in my life and I would give anything to do it all over again!