Kimberley Harris

Participating in the Dofe award was one of the best things I have ever achieved in my life and I am passionate about this award & I encourage young people to do it. I have completed all three awards and went on to complete some leadership awards. When I first heard about the dofe award at school, they said you would make friends for life & that is true. I’ve met some amazing people who I achieved the awards with and those who helped me to achieve these awards. The hardest part for me was taking part in the walking expeditions; those big hills, the heaviest rucksack ever, blisters & the extreme weather conditions. In 2009 I completed my Gold assessed expedition in Snowdonia, I remember the views being amazing but never felt so exhausted! I did not want to give up, but it was definitely worth the fish and chips at the end. This award as made me the person I am today, someone who loves the outdoors, adventurous, determined and to never give up. In November 2010 I collected my Gold award at St James Palace with my dofe group, I remember the Duke Of Edinburgh entering the room as we all stood in a semi-circle, as he politely asked questions.
Thank you Prince Phillip for this award. I hope this award goes on forever and continues to inspire future generations.