Ketty Shun

It was a great privilege to take part in Bonze, sliver and gold award at the starting age of 16. I have benefited a lot from the Scheme and it has made me the person I am today. The scheme has helped me to be more confident, ambitious, friendly, fearless of any sort of activities and deal with challenges. The scheme has also helped me to be selfless, generous and helping the communities of all ages and background.

I have travelled to many islands to promote the award and to take part in debates and activities regarding the award. Born from an island, in the Commonwealth, I am so proud to have given the opportunity to travel to USA to share my skills, knowledge and to work with children and with young adults in 1985 as a Gold Award. From USA, many doors have been opened for me and I have been able to achieve my goal in life.

I am grateful to my parents who have always supported me while taking parts in all the activities at a young age. The Ministry of Young and the leaders have greatly played a big part in my life at a young age. I am now 58, happily married and settled in the UK. I am still very active and participate in many activities with my husband, children, friends and family. I like travelling, hiking, riding bikes, exploring different counties and cultures.

The scheme has helped me to love and have compassion for venerable people with Learning Disabilities and mental health illness in the community. I am supporting them with their daily activities and to live comfortably with other people.
I have inherited these qualities, enjoyment and love from the DofE which I am very thankful and indebted to.
I would strongly recommend the scheme to young people. I think there should be another award scheme for older people like me. I am still young at heart.