Kenny Henry

Growing up in Glasgow in a family of 'non outdoor' folk I had never experienced the true beauty of Scotland. I enrolled on the DofE at high school and was introduced to Loch Lomond and the Trossachs through the team that volunteered to teach us our expedition training and assessments. I learned life skills like map reading, compass work, cooking, and team work. Now aged 54 I pass on this love of the outdoors through my role as a Scout Leader and whilst now living in England I also venture home to Scotland for a week in the mountains every year. I have climbed in the Swiss Alps and Morrocco and seen sights that took my breath away.
One of my community service attachments was with the local Police Youth Liaison Officer. I subsequently joined Leicestershire Police and have now completed 27 1/2 years service currently in the role of Detective Inspector in the Murder Investigation Team.
It is not in doubt that signing up for the DofE was a turning point for me as a teenager, and who I turned out to be as a man, and quite literally changed my life