Kenan Bryan

It is certainly surprising to realise how many life long memories you can make on your DofE, whether you stop at bronze or go for gold.
With DofE, I have made a best friend, a relationship and 4 years of memories that I hold close to my heart.
Bronze in Jersey, Silver to Carnac and Gold to the Peak District and the Beacon Beacons, as well as the amazing opportunity for a residential to Borneo.
‘When the going gets tough the tough gets going’ they say, the folks I spent this journey with certainly proved it right.
I will never forget in France a lad called Ben. On one of our breaks we stopped at the side of a road which had a massive pot hole. We warned everyone to watch it. I was talking to Ben who was behind me, looked back to see him and he was gone. He’d fallen into the pot hole... After getting him out we couldn’t stop laughing. Then we left the checkpoint, the way we came in. Once again, Ben fell straight into the pot hole. This was the creation of ‘Pot hole Ben’.