Kelci Prowse
DofE made me feel like I had really accomplished something that was amazing. I love camping and love the outside and to be completely reliant on my team was so rewarding in the end. My team always got everything done and made it places the quickest. It was great team building skills, physical challenges and also great for exposing me to new people and placed. I am so thankful I took the opportunity. I’ll never forget the feeling of finally completing it after so much hard work and dedication! One of the funniest parts of the whole experience that I was absolutely terrified of at the time was getting lost, being surrounded by angry cows and having to somehow get back on track without being stampeded by cows! That situation really made me think and I was able to make a getaway and get back on track by climbing a wall, jumping a barbed wire fence and walking through a swamp. I bet not everyone can say that they did that on their DofE experience! Thankyou Duke of Edinburgh for that incredible experience and I’m sure people will carry on your legacy through the award! Rest in peace.