Katie Fox

From the nervous 15-year-old on her first DofE Bronze expedition to a confident 19-year-old almost finished with her Gold award and already started on her DofE leadership journey, the DofE has truly shaped who I am. I have learnt so much not just the skills needed on an expedition or from the skills section but about myself as a person.
The DofE is my happiness - it's my favourite thing to do every year and my Leaders that have inspired me and guided me are now family. I am so grateful that I now get to assist them in inspiring others and will continue to do so for a long time to come.

The DofE has helped me through some of the toughest times with my mental health and has been the perfect outlet.

It is truly inspiring how someone can so modestly create a scheme that has impacted the lives of so many. It is a scheme that is so powerful in changing people lives for the better and I feel extremely blessed that I have the resources and the amazing people around me that have allowed me to take part.

14 year old me signing up to the scheme would not have believed that something could have such an impact on my life: from a shy girl to an optimistic, assertive adult. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to host the Essex Gold DofE awards and it is a true testament to the incredible impact the scheme can have. Not only showing my growth in confidence but also being able to learn about everyone's individual journeys with the DofE. It has touched so many lives and the legacy will continue forever.

I look forward to sharing the scheme with others and helping to inspire generations to come again and again ️

Thank you HRH Prince Philip ️