Kathryn Widdowson

I’m incredibly proud to be a Gold Award holder and have many memories of being a Bronze, Silver and Gold Award participant. But I do remember on my Gold residential (on a Cathedral Camp to support the renovation work at Rochester Cathedral) being challenged on many levels (including a fear of heights) but really appreciating how my individual effort was contributing to the wider picture of helping to keep this historic building in a good state of repair. Moving rubble and pigeon droppings from the roof voids was one of the many tasks but I really loved my week doing it all! Added to that I was asked to head up to the clock tower to have my photograph taken for the local press. This most certainly challenged my fear of heights but I still did it. In later years I realised who the journalist/photographer was - and it was Piers Morgan. That was way back in 1992. Perhaps there’s some irony in this story in that I am now a professional photographer!
I’ll always be forever grateful to The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. As someone from a single parent family with a hard working Mum who did everything she could to give me as many opportunities as she could, I know how proud she was when we attended Buckingham Palace to receive my Gold Award. Truly happy times and times I will absolutely treasure. Without question, holding this Award has contributed to my career path as well as my development as a person. I am indebted to HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and to everyone who has been involved in the scheme to help and support me along the way. Thank you.