Kathryn Silvey

I started the DofE Award in the sixties and enjoyed the thrill of achieving new skills. I remember the great fun of orienteering and getting lost, youth hosteling, horse riding, hockey and hospital and elderly care volunteering. The confidence I gained from completing the difference award levels inspired me to achieve more. I became head girl and finished my Gold Award at age 17 before leaving home to start a nursing career.

The excitement of visiting Buckingham Palace in 1970 with my mother to meet HRH Prince Phillip was the pinnacle of all my DofE achievements. Prince Phillip chatted to us in small groups in the music room, while guests observed. He was interested in us all and seemed to be enjoying himself too.

The confidence I gained at an early age helped me to complete my Registered Nurse and Midwifery training. Later I owned and managed a small care home for the elderly and went on to become an inspector of care services. The experience and confidence I had gained helped me to champion the best care for people.

The inspiration and confidence I gained, from the teachers who encouraged me to succeed to the Gold Award level, has stayed with me, Always feeling that with hard work and enjoyment you can achieve anything.

I have made life long friends with my choices and discovered the things I enjoy the most. I was also fortunate to have four amazing children with my brilliant husband of 45 years.

My thanks to HRH Prince Phillip for starting the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme and enabling so many children and young adults to achieve their best. The amazing ripple effect of learning early confidence can improve lives forever,

Prince Phillip’s amazing duty to our Queen and us will leave a lasting legacy to the nation.

My photo shows me wearing my Gold Award today and in need of a hairdresser after lockdown.