Kathryn Bailey

I joined the DofE community because I wanted to do DofE like my mother. I found that it gave me something much more than I expected - I found a community that I could laugh with, join in with and learn from. I have completed my bronze and silver award and am currently doing my gold and it has given me so many opportunities. I have been able to broaden my horizons and learn new skills that I hadn't thought about before from a new instrument to learning how to teach sailing to give back to the community around me.
Undoubtedly the most recognised part of the award is the expedition, and it gave me a chance to become more independent from planning it all and packing it all. The most important thing I learnt would definitely be an appreciation for the outdoors and outdoor activity. It gave me the motivation to continue to do learn navigation outside of the boundaries of the award and I have learnt many new skills.
Most importantly DofE helped me develop my communication skills as I continuously worked with people I had never met and would never meet again.
DofE has provided me with an invaluable experience that has given me the motivation to strive for more in life, and inspired me to keep active in the great outdoors.