Kat Cornelius-Frend

I completed my Bronze award when I was in year 10 at my secondary school.
As a sport I took up Body Balance, a class involving yoga, pilates and tai chi, I enjoyed the class so much I continued well after I completed the award and even went on to do yoga as one of my GCSE PE sports, for which I gained my highest score of 19/20.
For my volunteering I spent 6 months helping at my local vets, I assisted in consultations, cleaned equipment after surgeries and, of course, gain much needed attention to the animals they had staying with them including a stray cat that had been granted the run of the place!
As for the expedition part my all female group had some ups and downs, with one of our team on crutches we were by no means the fastest, we even got lost and wondered into a bog at one point! But we did have a lot of fun, I recall us stopping by a massive tree and myself and one other member decided to climb it, much to the dismay of the rest of the team.
Come the morning of the second day and I had everyone up ready to teach them some yoga, some were better than others!
The pictured I have attached was taken before heading off to catch the mini buses to the New Forest, my mother always describes me as looking like Flick from Bugs Life. My pack weighed the same as me, especially considering I was carrying both the tent pegs and the gas canister!