Julia Tolman-May

I wholeheartedly agree that completing the Awards makes you a realise you can set your life upon whatever course you choose. It pushes you to do things well out of your comfort zone as a teenager and shapes the type adult you'd love to be. The feeling of complete failure having had to pull out on the second day of our first gold hike attempt because another team member was ill was totally gutting and having finally completed it a year later - I can honestly say I have never wanted to camp since! However, It did make me appreciate that you don't get everything easily in life; it takes much effort and hard work and you should never give up. All my adult life I have believed in volunteering and doing my bit for others. I served for ten years special constable before starting my family and although no longer in the best of health, am still a school governor today. Everyone comments on my positivity when facing life's challenges – and I truly thank both HRH Prince Philip and Mr Morley for instilling this spirit in me as a teenager. It has served me very well.