Judith Williams (Dawe)

Personally, I feel the DofE Award Scheme helped to shape me into the adult I became.

I am a Bronze, Silver and Gold Award Holder, receiving my Gold Award on 19th December 1990. I was fortunate enough to actually talk to the Duke about my expedition experience at the ceremony. I will never forget it.

My biggest achievement was cycling 585 miles across The Netherlands and back for our gold expedition. Although, probably the most memorable, was our silver cycling expedition where we chose the summer of horrendous flooding in Norfolk. Miles and miles of extra roads were pedalled due to planned routes being underwater.

We now live in Switzerland (due to work, my husband also being a Gold Award Holder) and my 17 year old son is just finishing his Silver award. He has had his own challenges with the pandemic situation making the service function incredibly hard.

But, if it wasn’t hard, it wouldn’t be worth it.

Rest in Peace HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.